Mommy Brain

My schedule is full with several sports schedules, school activities, my business, etc….  When I was younger (did I really just use that phrase) I would excel when I had a lot on my plate.  Now, I just get overwhelmed and forgetful.  I am trying to keep a good calendar and not let myself get to busy and overwhelmed, but it may be crazy until school is over.  So, I am going to need some extra help.  I looked up Memory in my wonderful Reference Book and found some great suggestions!

Absentmindedness memory blend #1 memory blend #2

mental clarity brain oils Nitro

Snow Cream

In North Texas we usually don’t get much snow.  We usually get ice which is no fun!  Today we got tons of good, powder snow.

IMG_6954[1] IMG_6955[1]


We decide to try and make Snow Ice Cream.  We set a large bowl out on the patio table and let snow accumulate.  After the bowl was full, we brought it in.  We made several different flavors.

IMG_6961[1] IMG_6964[1]

Orange Dreamsicle (you could also try Lemon, Tangerine, Grapefruit, Lime, Citrus Fresh)


Chocolate Peppermint

We also made Chocolate and Vanilla


Snow Cream


8 cups of fresh snow

1 cup of any kind of milk

1/3 cup of sugar

1 tablespoon of Vanilla

For Chocolate: 1 teaspoon Cocoa Powder

For Chocolate Peppermint: 1 teaspoon Cocoa Powder, 2 drops of Peppermint Young Living oil

For Dreamsicle: 8 drops of Orange Young Living oil


Directions: Whisk together the milk, sugar, vanilla, flavorings of choice.  Add 8 cups of fresh snow and stir well.  That’s it!  Enjoy!!


The Best Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Ever, Ever!

The Best Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Ever, Ever!



  • 3/4 cup grass fed butter (at room temperature)
  • 1 1/2 cups coconut crystals or sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 1/3 tablespoons coconut milk (really any milk you prefer)
  • 3 ripened bananas
  • 2 cups flour (I used Young Living Einkorn mix)
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • About 1/2 bag chocolate chips (totally your preference on how much you like)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Mix the sugar and the butter in a large bowl.  Add eggs and blend.  Add milk and bananas, mix.  Now add flour and baking soda and mix.  Stir in the chocolate chips.

Spray loaf pans with non-cook spray and spoon it into pans.

Bake for 40 minutes.  You should be able to insert a knife into the middle of the loaf and the knife should come out clean.




Why I choose to use Young Living Einkorn Mix…

Ingredients: Whole grain einkorn flour (Triticum monococcum), Brown rice flour, Amaranth flour, Tapioca flour, Sorghum flour (Sorghum bicolor), Dhokla flour (Indian flour made from chickpeas)

Flours now days are so processed and altered that they are no longer good for us.  Young Living is growing the very best Einkorn Wheat and I have loved baking with this mix.

Do you want to try some?  Go to and my member # is 1483642.  If you have any questions about it, let me know!

Progessence Plus

Meet one of my best friends…

Progessence Plus

I love this girl!  She makes me a nicer person.  She makes my monthly visit from Aunt Flo much more tolerable.

Warning: Men go ahead and scroll down to the next post.

Women, listen up!

My cycle was insane for YEARS!!!!!!  It was long and very heavy.  I would have cramps so bad that I would spend the first 2 days in bed with what used to be my best friend the heating pad.  I haven’t needed a heating pad since I met this girl.  She seriously has changed my life.

Progessence™ Plus serum is a pure, harmonizing serum that is designed specifically for women. Along with wild yam and vitamin E, Progessence Plus is formulated with Frankincense, Bergamot, and Peppermint essential oils for optimal results.

Directions: Apply 2–4 drops 2 times daily on neck area. For added effect, apply 1–2 drops along forearms 2 times daily.

If you don’t know her yet, but think you should.  Go to and my member # is 1483642.  If you have any questions about it, let me know!

Thyme to get Slique

**These are my individual results and my testimonies.  Everyone is different and may have different results depending on several different factors such as diet, exercise, health, etc… There is No Magic Pill or formula that will work for everyone.  I think it is very important to know your body.  Do research on any product you consider using.

I am only sharing because when I wanted to start using these products I wanted to read personal testimonies, so hopefully this will be helpful information for someone, if not it is good accountability for me to put it out on the internet so I will strive to meet my goals.

I have been making several changes over the last 2 years for the health of my family and decided that on January 1st it was time to work really hard at shedding my extra weight.  Due to more natural changes that I have been slowly making this decision was much easier, but still a challenge.

I decided that I was going to cut out Sugar and Gluten as much as possible.  I have been eating lean meats, fruits and vegetables, drinking tons of water with Lemon oil or Slique oil.

Citrus Water Slique Essence

Why I chose Young Living to help me attain my weight management goals…

Today’s lifestyles don’t always create optimal conditions for physical wellness or weight management.  Poor diet, lack of exercise and environmental toxins can leave us unbalanced and low on energy.  Every product that Young Living creates supports your whole body.  They provide targeted solutions to restore balance.  Not only are these products for weight management but so much more.  Even if you don’t need to loose weight these products are still great for your health.  If you do want to loose weight, you will not be jeopardizing your health while doing it.  I trust Young Living!  I have done my research and they have nothing to hide.

What a typical day looks like for me…

Breakfast: NingXia Red (1 oz.), water with lemon, Super C, Super B, Master Formula Hers and a healthy breakfast or a Balance Complete meal replacement.

Lunch:  Water, healthy lunch or Balance Complete meal replacement (if I didn’t have it for breakfast), Essentialzymes-4

Snack: nuts, noosa yogurt or a slique bar

45 minutes before dinner I take 1 pack of Slique Slim Caps

Dinner: Water, Healthy dinner (meat, fruits and veggies), Essentialzymes-4

If I get a little hungry before bed I drink Slique Tea or more NingXia Red (1 oz.)

Like I said this is not a formula.  Each day looks different.  I don’t think I would be successful on a program that looked the same each day.  I like variety.

I only weigh on Sundays.  If you weigh everyday you will see the up and down which might help you but I decided I just wanted to see the results after each week.

Results as of 1/18/15…

I feel great!  I have more energy.  I am more productive.  I have lost 9 lbs!!

weight management

I will post more along the journey.  I would love to hear from you if you have ever tried any of the Slique products!  I would also love to hear any tips that work for you.

If you want to order, go to and my # is 1483642.  I would love to answer any questions you have.


September Super Savings

If you have been holding out for any reason on trying Young Living Essential Oils.  Now is the time!!!  Never before has such a great value been offered.  Young Living for a very Limited Time is offering an even greater value in the Premium Starter Kit by replacing Purification with DiGize and replacing Frankincense with Sacred Frankincense for the same great price.

For a Limited time

And because I am trying to reach a goal it works out to your advantage, because I am offering freebies for anyone who enrolls for a Premium Starter Kit with me this month.

september psk freebies

To top it off I am doing another drawing depending on how much you spend.  So just by buying the Premium Starter Kit you will be entered once into a drawing for a $25 gift card and you will be entered once into a drawing for 1 bottle of Ningxia Red, 1 box of Ningxia Nitro or 14 packets of Ningxia Red.


If you were to purchase a few additional items along with your PSK (premium starter kit) to make it 200PV  you will be entered 3 times into the drawings listed above and Young Living will send you Free stuff as well.

September YL Promo

Wow!!!!  This seems to good to be true, but I assure you it is true.

So, to recap if you buy the PSK you will receive 12 oils, a diffuser, a roller ball attachment, oil samples, samples of our amazing Antioxidant drink Ningxia Red, a reference book, capsules and you will be entered in Two drawings.

If you add a couple items to your order and spend 200 PV you will receive everything mentioned above + be entered in both drawings but you will earn more entries into the Ningxia Red drawing and Young Living will send you Raven 5ml EO and more Essential Oil Samples.

Raven is one of my go to oils in the Winter.  It is one of the oils that kept my son from getting bronchitis this past year.  The Oil Samples are great to keep in your purse, to take on trips or to pass out to friends.

If you are overwhelmed, you are not alone.  Send me an email and I will take care of you

If you are ready to get started click here.

Attention: Pilots

I went to Starbucks yesterday to sit and fill out some paperwork before picking my kids up from school.  There was only 1 table available in the whole place so I take my seat and start filling out the papers.  (squirrel)  I over hear the 2 men sitting next to me talk about how they are pilots and that one has Vertigo (Cedarwood) and the other struggles with allergies (LLPC) and getting stuffy.  They both talk about how they are not supposed to fly when they aren’t feeling well or when they are on medicine.  There was a little wall between us or I would have told them all about Young Living Essential Oils.  (I probably wouldn’t have, but like to think I would have)

It did inspire me to make this…

Attention: All Pilots

If you are a Pilot or know a Pilot, please share.  Young Living offers a natural alternative!  No more missing flights!!

Get started here.

Oily Dog

Everyday is National Dog Day in our home!  We have the most loved, spoiled rotten, 90lb lap dog.  He really is the best dog though.  He lets our children climb all over him.

Oily Dog

I love him so much I even share my Young Living Essential Oils with him.  That’s right even our dog is Oily!

When I use oils he will follow me with his nose in my hand.  He loves his oils.

An Oil A Day Keeps the Vet Away

When Champ had a wound under his eye I applied Frankinsence and Lavender and then applied a warm compress.

When it is storming outside I apply Peace & Calming right behind his ears and lays down and goes to sleep.

When he has gas I rub peppermint or DiGize on his stomach.  He is a Boxer, this is often!

I spray his bed down with a Purification spray that you can find here.  I also spray this on him when we he is outside longer than just going to the bathroom.


So your Premium Starter Kit is great for your WHOLE Family, even the fur-babies!

Get your own Premium Starter Kit here.